Health Connected

Raising health awareness to achieve better outcomes.

Raising health awareness to achieve better outcomes.

Preventive care helps people to take control of their health and wellbeing.

By focusing on early interventions and preventive practices, users can identify potential health risks and access the right programs and resources to address these risks or manage their chronic conditions.

Age Adjuster

Age Adjuster

Health Connected analyzes HRA results to estimate how users are aging based on their lifestyle habits and biometrics.

Within Health Connected, personalized recommendations link users to services and resources, helping them align their Adjusted Age with their actual age, maintain their wellness, and achieve better health outcomes.

Health Connected analyzes HRA results to estimate how users are aging based on their lifestyle habits and biometrics.

Within Health Connected, personalized recommendations link users to services and resources, helping them align their Adjusted Age with their actual age, maintain their wellness, and achieve better health outcomes.

Aggregated Data Collector

Data from wearables such as Apple Health, Google's Fit Bit and other health devices can be incorporated for a more holistic view.

Deep Linking and SSO

By using deep linking and single sign-on, we make access easier and navigation simpler, reducing the need for multiple logins.

Rich and Shareable Data

Combine our data with your internal and external vendor reports for a complete program view.

Included with Health Connected


Participating in solo and team challenges helps users adopt and build healthy habits, making them feel better and stay healthier.

Digital Health Coach

Provides activities and wellness practices to help users start new routines. Users can earn points and badges for health achievements, helping them manage their health.

Personal Health Records

A secure and confidential place for users to organize their personal health and medical history, including appointments, lab results, and vaccination records.

Connect the dots

Together, we can integrate your vendors' services with ours to provide a unified wellness solution.

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